About tksidekick

tksidekick.py is a completely open source assistant to programming in tkinter.  It should appeal to two groups – those who have begun learning tkinter and those who use tkinter occasionally but not often enough to keep all 3 gazillion details of the GUI in their fresh memory.

The program is highly intuitive to anyone with a sound beginning knowledge of tkinter.  Here is a brief overview of what to expect.

On the left side: buttons showing the names of all tkinter widget.  Pressing a button will tell your computer to query you system and display the OPTIONS for that widget and their default value or attribute in the top screen.  The Options Source tab lets you select from 3 different views of this information.  The bottom screen will initially display all methods that can apply to this widget. The Top Display tab allows you to change the top display to show winfo commands or the window manager commands found on your system or to display a few brief lines of instantiation code that is hard coded to remind you how to set up each widget. You can also re-display the options.

The Bottom Display tab allows you to show a list of all the methods found for grid, pack or place; all the global constants found on your system, or call up color chooser which can leave behind the color info you need in a comment in the bottom display.  This can be copied and pasted to the little Notes section on the bottom left. The tab also lets you re-display the methods.

the Objects & Topics tab allow you to use the inspect module to search for  information on a Python or tkinter object, to use pydoc to do the same search, to display a list of all the special help topics which you will find available on your system from pydoc, to display and allow selection of one of those topic (just click it) and the topic will be displayed in the bottom panel.

See the TOOLBOXES tab for all download url’s from GitHub.
