tksidekick instantiate code

4/9/2018 All the pages that follow this one this one have more lengthy demos that were posted first, but what you will find below is special.  Shortly, wikipython will announce an awesome real-time resource for students and occasional users of tkinter. A completely free, open source, uncomplicated python program called tksidekick.  The third version is in the hands of beta testers now. It will be explained here on wikipython but just like our toolboxes you will download the program from GitHub for safety. By the way – just common sense – you should never run a program you download without having your anti-virus check it out.

You run tksidekick “on the side” while you are writing tkinter code and, for the most part, it pulls information out of your system about widgets and commands and objects of any sort.  Click on a button that says “Listbox”, for example, and it instantly shows all the Options and their attributes (viewed 3 ways) and all the methods that apply to that widget.  You can quickly see all the wifo commands, the window manager command, the constants in your system, and even run color chooser which will leave behind the color formula you need.  You can search for any type of Python or tkinter object two ways.  You can see all the pydoc topics, select and read the ones you choose.

The biggest thing not pulled directly is a short code segment for each widget that shows an example of the widget being used – instantiated. (tksidekick requires Python 3.6 because it uses f strings for list formatting.) These “messy” segments are kept in a dictionary and have been carefully constructed and tested. They are presented when/if you ask for them. These segments assume a header that sets up a tkinter workspace and an ending mainloop(). We suggest what we use which you will find at “ARITCLES RANTS ETC.” -> “2 Standard GUI Test Setups”.

Here they are, reformatted a bit for display in the context of this website:

Toplevel :

#Toplevel - a primary level widget to hold and manage all the rest
top1 = Toplevel(root, bg="light blue")
top1.title("Top 1 - Workwindow")
top1.attributes("-topmost", 1) # make sure top1 is on top to start
root.update() # but don't leave it locked in place
top1.attributes("-topmost", 0) # in case you use lower or lift

Button :

#Button - generally used to trigger an action with a single mouse click
def callback():
b1=Button(top1, text="Button #1", command=callback)
b1.pack(ipadx=5, ipady=5)

Canvas :

#Canvas - display graphic objects
cv1 = Canvas(top1, width=250, height=200, bg="beige")
cv1.create_line(0, 0, 200, 100)
cv1.create_line(0, 100, 200, 0, fill="red", dash=(4, 4))
cv1.create_rectangle(50, 25, 150, 75, fill="blue")
#Traditional Effbot example of lines and rectangle

Checkbutton :

#Checkbutton - checkboxes that share a common variable
def cb1callback():
eval("cb" + str(var1.get())).config(bg="red")
cb1=Checkbutton(top1, text="Choise #1", variable=var1, onvalue=1, command=cb1callback)
cb2=Checkbutton(top1, text="Choise #2", variable=var1, onvalue=2, command=cb1callback)

Entry :

#Entry - display text or accept input of text
e1_txt = StringVar()
l1=Label(top1) # display Entry input in a label after <Return>
def e1_callback(self):
e1=Entry(top1, width=60, textvariable=e1_txt, relief=GROOVE, bd=10)
e1.bind("<Return>", e1_callback)

Frame :

#Frame - holds other widgets, can be a spacer
f1=Frame(top1, relief=RAISED, bd=10)
def cb1callback():
eval("cb" + str(var1.get())).config(bg="red")
cb1=Checkbutton(f1, text="Choise #1", variable=var1, onvalue=1, command=cb1callback)
cb2=Checkbutton(f1, text="Choise #2", variable=var1, onvalue=2, command=cb1callback)

LabelFrame :

#LableFrame - holds other widgets with frame and title
lf1=LabelFrame(top1, text="A LabelFrame", relief=GROOVE, width=40,bd=10,padx=10, pady=10)
l1=Label(lf1, text="A label inside a labelframe.", bg="misty rose")


#Label - a text message or a lable - semi-permanent
lf1=LabelFrame(top1, text="A LabelFrame", relief=GROOVE, width=40,bd=5,padx=8, pady=8)
l1=Label(lf1, text="A label inside a labelframe.", relief=SUNKEN, bd=10, bg="red")

Listbox :

#Listbox - possibly a box to hold a list
alist = ["Hotdogs","Hamburgers","Chips","Soda"]
var1 = StringVar()
lb=Listbox(top1, listvariable=var1, relief=RAISED, bd=15, font=("Times", 14, "bold"))
lb.config(bg='grey75', width=15)


# Menu - Program options and choices
from tkinter import messagebox
def menucallback():
messagebox.showinfo("Menu callback","A call back summons a note or a feature.", parent=top1)
mainbar = Menu(top1, tearoff=0) # create the main bar
top1.configure(menu=mainbar) # and connect toplevel and menu
mainbar.add_command(label="Exit", command=lambda:root.destroy()) # add a single command
# or add pulldowns (just one here as example) called cascades
cascade1Menu = Menu(mainbar, tearoff=0, relief=GROOVE)
cascade1Menu.add_command(label="Callback demo", command=lambda: menucallback())
cascade1Menu.add_command(label="Other exit", command=lambda: root.destroy())
mainbar.add_cascade(label="Cascade demo", menu=cascade1Menu)

Menubutton :

# Menubutton
# Menubutton is obsolete - use Menu instead.
# An example of Menubutton can be found on

Message :

m_txt = "Red Leicester: Im afreaid we are fresh out of Red Leicester sir.\nTilsit: \nNever\
at the end of the week, sir. \nAlways get it fresh first thing on Maonday.\n"
msg=Message(top1, bg="wheat1", text=m_txt, relief=GROOVE, font="Georgia 14", width="2i")
msg.pack(padx=50, pady=50)

PanedWindow :

#PanedWindow - create divisions with user moveable partition
pw1 = PanedWindow(top1, orient=VERTICAL)
pw1.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
ltop = Label(pw1, text="top pane", bg="grey70",height=20)
lbottom = Label(pw1, text="bottom pane", bg="misty rose", height=20)

Radiobutton :

def rbchange():
l1.config(text= str(rbintvar.get()))
rbintvar = IntVar()
rb1 = Radiobutton(top1, text="Un", width=7, variable=rbintvar, value=1, command=rbchange)
rb2 = Radiobutton(top1, text="Deux", width=7, variable=rbintvar, value=2, command=rbchange)
rb3 = Radiobutton(top1, text="Trois",width=7, variable=rbintvar, value=3, command=rbchange)
l1=Label(top1, text="?", width=9, bg="yellow")

Scale :

#Scale - see Anatomy of a Scale on
def scaletest(self):
myscalevalue = IntVar()
myscalevalue.set(125) # in options note "from_" not "from"
myscale = Scale(top1, activebackground="orangered", from_=0, to=255, length="3i")
myscale.config(label="Tester", tickinterval=50, width=100, command=scaletest, variable=myscalevalue)
l1=Label(top1, width=25, bg="light green")

Scrollbar :

t1text="nonsense on to of "*500 #create some filler text
# NOTE CAREFULLY the ORDER in which the LabelFrame, Scrollbar and
# Text widget are CREATED AND PACKED - does not work any other way!
lf1=LabelFrame(top1, width=225, height=768) #create a LableFrame object -DONT pack
sbar1 = Scrollbar(lf1) #create a scrollbar and pack in LabelFrame on right
sbar1.pack(side="right", fill="y")#create a text and pack in LabelFrame on left, fill both
t1=Text(lf1, width=40, height=30, wrap=CHAR, yscrollcommand=sbar1.set)
t1.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) #pack it in lf1
t1.insert(END, t1text) # then fill it up
sbar1.config(command=t1.yview) #now connect scrollbar and text frame
lf1.grid(row=0, column=0) # when all that is done, grid the LabelFrame # any other sequence voids propagate
lf1.pack_propagate(False) #without propagate the text frame expands

Spinbox :

def sbaction():
sb1=Spinbox(top1, textvariable=sb1value, values=(1,2,3,4,5), width=20, wrap=True)
sb1.configure(activebackground="light blue", bg="beige", bd=10, command=sbaction,
buttonbackground="LightGoldenrod2", fg="black",
justify="center", repeatinterval=500, width=2)
sb1.pack(padx=300, pady=200, ipadx=40, ipady=15)
l1=Label(top1, text=sb1value.get(), width=20, bg="gray80")

Text :

ttext="nonsense on to of "*100
tx1=Text(top1, width=30, height = 40, relief=RAISED, bd=10)
tx1.delete(1.0, END) # clear the box
tx1.insert(END, ttext) # insert new text