Outside tkinter I do not know of a way to get and respond to a single keystroke. Inside tkinter the code below does it while providing examples of binding, focus, configure, update, and lots of other stuff.
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * import sys import time root=tk.Tk() root.geometry("1024x768") msg = StringVar() msg.set("Keypress Response Demo: press a key, 'Enter' to exit.") def respond(self): # keypress=repr(self.char) msg.set("keypress registered! input was: "+ self.char +", ascii: "+ str(ord(self.char))) def ifreturn(self): if int(ord(self.char))==13: msg.set("Return/enter keypress dectected. App closing in 3 seconds") root.update() time.sleep(2) l1.configure(relief='flat') root.update for i in range(3,0,-1): msg.set(str(i)) root.update() time.sleep(1) root.destroy() sys.exit l1=tk.Label(takefocus=1, textvariable=msg, font=('Verdana',20,'bold'), pady=330, bd=10, relief='groove') l1.pack() l1.bind("<Key>", respond) l1.bind('<Return>', ifreturn) l1.focus_set() root.mainloop()