For: Not-Quite Beginners
In Big Daddy’s tkinter toys Toolbox I espouse a possible approach for dealing with situations where you need multiple screens in a simple application. A lot more on making that happen in a minute and I want to note this is not a finished article – there will be revisions. First, please join me over at my soapbox.
Getting multiple screens of information created and managed in tkinter is difficult for a newcomer to Python. There are three primary reasons why: First, tkinter is a language several times the size and complexity of core Python and we beginners are easily misled by the simplicity of a tkinter “Hello World” example, i.e., :
import tkinter as Tk myLabel= Tk.Label(text="Hello World") myLabel.pack()
This example “works” though it does not even include the normally essential “root” and “mainloop” components. It’s about the same thing as a reprobate saying “Hey little girl, you want a piece of candy?”
Second, using tkinter is tough because there is a massive dearth of clear, CURRENT, complete, easily accessible and easily understandable instruction and information. Let me repeat the important part: instruction AND information (i.e., reference material). And here is one crux of the problem: instruction is one thing, reference information is something else entirely. The two are related, but when it comes to teaching/learning tkinter they mix like oil and water. Most materials try to force them into one package, which overwhelms the student. Or they go to the other extreme with demos assuming the student already has a PhD in computer science and intense familiarity with some rare, esoteric methods or commands (like .super() for example) followed by no explanation. This is, put simply, just geek showoff bullshit.
A lack of clear, well documented, completely explained demos is a big part of our issue. The good reference info on the Python and websites are criminally short of good Python examples.
Third, as in most computer languages, SYNTAX IS A BITCH. The TCL/TK online manual pages, by the way, need to be 100% rewritten with Python syntax instead of that for those obtuse archaic languages nobody cares about anymore.
There are a bunch of secondary problems, one is especially worth mentioning; there is quite a bit of conflicting information, especially about nuts and bolts issues that really make things work. Just look at the conflicting discussions at By the way, if you haunt the halls of stackoverflow long enough, eventually you begin to look for the answers by a guy named Brian Oakely (no relation – he has an extra unneeded “l”) – they err to being too erudite but they are usually very helpful. I do not know of Brian, by the way, in any other context.
So in Big Daddy’s tkinter toys Toolbox I suggest one approach to a program that needs multiple screens: create a root and then add Toplevel layers to hold the stuff of your program. I tried, in the limited space of a front and back reference, to avoid getting into classes – but in practice you just can’t avoid them. The general idea actually looks something like the visual representation below – the blue ovals containing frames or canvases to hold widgets are created as classes.
Here is what is going to happen in the following code. We create a root, then create a couple of Toplevels to hold classes where we create our frames as containers for widgets and actions.
#_author_ = "John Oakey" # A Basic multi-screen demo # PRELIMINARY HOUSE KEEPING # only one of the following SHOULD be needed but testing cross platform # indicates to me one works on windows and the other works on Debian (Unix) import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * # I think it is a good practice to explicitly open a root screen # This example shows how to get and utilize the full screen for your root example root=tk.Tk() root.configure(background='beige') root.title("Rooty Tooty Root Screen") scrW = root.winfo_screenwidth() scrH = root.winfo_screenheight() root.geometry(str(scrW) + "x" + str(scrH)) # I tested - root.wm_state('zoomed') - but for some reason it prevents top2 from being created # We will create two screens: one for an intro, one for program process or whatever top1 = Toplevel(root, bg="light blue") top1.geometry(str(scrW) + "x" + str(scrH)) top1.title("Top 1 Window") top1.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1) # make sure top1 is on top to start top2 = Toplevel(root, bg="grey85") # instead of - top2.geometry(str(scrW) + "x" + str(scrH)) - lets use -fullscreen top2.attributes('-fullscreen', TRUE) # IN TESTING both "wm_attributes" and just plain "attributes" both work top2.title("Top 2 Window") # A couple of widgets I would not normally employ to demo where we are as tops are destroyed. # our RootButton will call a simple exit function def Fini(): exit() # a lable and button to show we are down to the root RootLabel = tk.Label(root,text="This is the root screen - normally I would not create widgets here", font=('Arial',16,'bold'), takefocus=1) RootLabel.pack(pady=25, padx=25, ipadx=10, ipady=10, anchor="nw") RootButton= tk.Button(text = "fini", font=('Arial',16,'bold'), command=Fini) #NOTE called without parens = callbacks take no parameteres RootButton.pack_configure(ipadx=10, ipady=10, padx=25, anchor="nw") # Now we create a Toplevel "Hello" Screen as a class class ScreenNo1: def __init__(self, top1): frame=tk.Frame(top1, width=scrW-300, height=scrH-300, bg="LightCyan2") frame.pack(side='bottom', pady=(root.winfo_screenheight() - 300)/2 ) self.button=Button(frame, text="Close TopLevel 1", fg="maroon", font=("courier", 16, "bold"), command=self.end_top1) self.button.grid(column=1, row=1, pady=10) self.greeting1 = Button(frame, text="Click Me", fg="blue", command=self.write_greeting1, font=("arial", 16, "bold")) self.greeting1.grid(column=1, row=0,) self.button.configure(height=2, width=20) self.greeting1.configure(height=2, width=20) msg1 = StringVar() msg1.set("Welcome to Python Programming: This is screen number 1") self.msglabel = Label(frame, textvariable=msg1, fg="black", font=("courier", 16, "bold")) def write_greeting1(self): self.msglabel.grid(column=1, row=2, pady=10) def end_top1(self): # using for demo purpose instead of command=top1.destroy in button definition top1.destroy() #Create a Secondary Screen for activity class ScreenNo2: def __init__(self, top1): frame2=tk.Frame(top2, width=scrW-300, height=scrH-400, bg="LightCyan2", pady=150) frame2.pack(side=LEFT) self.button2=Button(frame2, text="Close TopLevel 2", fg="maroon", command=top2.destroy, font=("courier", 16, "bold")) # could close the whole shebang by using root.destroy instead of top2.destroy self.button2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=20) self.MoreMsg = Button(frame2, text="Click This Other Me", fg="blue", command=self.write_message2, font=("arial", 16, "bold")) self.MoreMsg.pack(side=LEFT) self.button2.configure(height=2, width=20) self.MoreMsg.configure(height=2, width=20) self.anotherLabel = Label(frame2, text="This msg shows on the screen.", font=("arial", 14, "bold"), width =32, padx=10) #created but not packed def write_message2(self): print("You have moved on to activity on Screen Number 2") #sent to standard out & will duplicate multiple presses- not sent to GUI self.anotherLabel.pack(anchor ='nw', padx=20, side = BOTTOM) # GUI display, will not be duplicated with multiple presses self.anotherLabel.configure(bg = 'cyan') # here we create our class events Myapp1=ScreenNo1(top1) Myapp2=ScreenNo2(top2) root.mainloop()
More later when I get time to revise it. As always comments are appreciated – please email me at