So what’s the hold up?

Rarely do I get communication from site users – which is OK. I don’t solicit much communication, tho I do enjoy suggestions, criticism, and general interaction with those who are interested in Python. A user wondered recently if I had stopped updating the site.

The answer is no, but the current hold up is part of the vision and at the moment it is all tkinter’s fault. My original interest was in helping young Pythonistas get there hands on simple, acurate, free, easy-to-use reference material. I thought if I used a design influenced by graphic novels that appeal to this group, perhaps using the material would get better acceptance. Feedback let me know that Big Daddy’s Toolbox #1 (TB1) had found users at University of North Georgia’s Cyber Security School, Georgia State University, and Harvey Mudd.

Suddenly I realized I had two very diverse “markets”, and frankly my current “tkinter toys” offering (TB4) is not serving either very well. So TB4 is going away and I’m starting over from the ground up, designing two differnt tkinter offerings. One, TB5, will be a less jazzy, and a bit more technical, reference that has the working title of “tkinter Journeyman Reference” – it may be a package as much as 8 to 10 pages long but still very densley packed. TB5 is about six pages “in” at the moment. The research and construction of the TB is taking a LOT of work and I hope I can mount it here and on GitHub in early December.

The second, TB6, has a working title of “tkinter Toys Starter Set” and will concentrate on two (front and back) pages of very basic and limited “lets get started” information. It will focus on only a few widgets, methods and attributes. About enough for a middle or high school introduction to Python once someone has covered computer basics with the student. I’m not sure when this project will begin, much less end.

There will be barely a passing mention of tkk in either. I’ve decided tkk is a battle for another day.

As always, your constructive comments are welcome.