Slight Bewilderment

You may or may not have gotten into this site far enough to understand that our first tier objectives are accuracy and clarity and our second tier objective is just to have and share fun with Python and Raspberry Pi. (I know, RPi has been woefully neglected but you can blame that on tkinter needing so much information organization for the community as a whole. Fear not, RPi’s time will come with an awesome GPIO utility about a year out.) We have no budget. We have no ultierior motives. This site is now a couple of years old with visits running between 20 and 500 views a day. Only God knows how many GitHub downloads have resulted, but what little feedback we have tells us most folks prefer just to pull it up on their computer to see the toolboxes displayed as pdfs.

Now here is the slightly bewildering part:

In all that time we have had less than ten email contacts, and ONLY ONE SITE COMMENT (not counting suggestions about purchasing Viagra). Of the email contacts the worst criticism was that the site is not friendly to cell phones. That was an early design decision based on the fact that nobody programs Python on their cell phone and the efficacy of information presentation is many times more effective by starting from the premise that the site is viewed on a monitor. The nicest comment was “you are one of the ten wonders of the Python world.” We’ll take that!

So if you have a chance, please leave us a comment – good, bad, or indifferent. Your input and thoughts are appreciated. And we would especially appreciate any errors or grevious ommissions you encounter.