My favorite Dilbert cartoon of all times (and I have lots of them) has Dogbert pointing a bazooka at a hapless guy coding on a computer and shouting “Step away from the Windows 95!” It is now time for Dogbert to pull out a LAW Missile, point it at a Python user and cry “Step away from the Python 2.x!” Time marches on folks.
One of the major reasons (there are lots of these too) is tkinter, tkk and tix. Tkinter (the old version was spelled with a capital T) was never generally adopted. It was/is viewed as too difficult. I have no personal experience with Tkinter. tkinter (note small t) is really very easy and straight forward to learn and use. I am not a fan of tkk (I have found bugs) and I don’t know enough about tix to have an opinion. But I have used tkinter sufficiently to find it rock solid, consistent and complete. Nothing is perfect, but it is very good.
The genuinely stupid thing that may kill tkinter in the end is its name and the fact the Google is case insensitive. The vast majority of us, in quick search for clarification of some syntactic nuance will turn to Google – good luck on separating Tkinter from tkinter in that process. The only solution I see is for someone to square their shoulders, grab their rhetorical gonads, and rename tkinter – it may sound silly, but it is necessary.
If you are looking for an intensely documented demo you should find, somewhere on this site, a “custom color creator” built with tkinter that covers a large segment of the basics that can get you started. I’m sure it could be improved but that’s for you to say – and do.