Title: The Complete Python Course: Go from Beginner To Advanced!
Sold through: Udemy (originally presented through a Google message)
Instructors: Joe Parys, Syed Raza
Bottom Line: For $10 or $15, if what you need is a general survey and don’t insist on actual detailed explainations or complete accuracy, then this course may be a fair value.
My guess is that Joe Parys is a marketing guy who would not know a Python from a Water Mocasin. Joe makes only a quick appearance in the introductory segment.
The course is presented by a very smart guy, Syed Raza, who may be ESOL. I mention that only because he has a bit of a difficult accent (not really that bad) which, combined with occsional poor audio, makes understanding him sometimes difficult. I’m going to assume that Syed wrote the course, but I blame both Joe and Syed for not having proofread it.
The good news is that as a beginner, but not a rank beginner, there were significant things that I learned from Syed, or at least were exposed to, that made the course valuable. The bad new is that as a beginner, but not a rank beginner, I found a LOT of errors of commission and one hundred times that many errors of ommision. Syed skips entirely – or at least glosses over – explaining what happens in important code segments. Several segments, which you can find other places on the web, are copied verbatim and I’m convinced Syed does not understand them himself. Nor does he give credit or refernce to the places from which he has “borrowed” the code.
Most frustrating is Syed’s constant practice of creating code on the screen line by line, with massive typo’s and code mistakes, then using time – that he should have allotted to explaining the code – to debugging his mistakes.