If you folded up a tent and built the Governor’s Mansion in the same spot – thats about the same scale as what we have done with TB3. All the “data on disk” stuff is currently hanging out in limbo while we decide on a new home for it. Meanwhile a whole new 2 page, awesome, jam-packed toolbox has been created devoted to all the ways you can format data and strings in Python: interpolation (old style % formatting), format(), string format, built in functions, date formats and the new f-string just available with Python 3.6. Interesting stuff include the function of * and ** and [x[x]] structures in string format. Working examples of everything including using lambda and ternary if with f-strings which I can’t find yet anywhere else on the internet.
The higher resolution pdf’s won’t be available for a while on GitHub for both time and technical reasons but if you need a higher rez pdf just drop me an email at john@johnoakey.com.