Who Took My Altoids?

An article has been added about my first experience constructing, or helping Grandson Andrew to construct, a major project using a Pi zero. The article speaks for itself. See Drew’s Game under the Raspberry Pi section or just click here: https://wp.me/P8cRX9-Ag

Is there a colour called peach?

As you probably have read, this is a hobbyist web site with the sole objective of being helpful to folks getting into Python as well as the Raspberry Pi – and now Linux I guess.  And while it is true that the toolboxes have been downloaded thousands of times, it is an oddity (to me […]

DS218+ : Thumbs up & down

If you ever want your very own piece of the cloud the Synology DS218+ is a pretty good entry point.  I bought mine to replace an aging Cisco NAS-only device – so old it only had standard hard drives because NAS grade drives had not been invented yet.  It is a little disturbing how many […]

GPIO and 1 Wire

The second note I got from a TB2 user (RPi GPIO module and Pi interface hardware) convinced me to go the the trouble to produce a new version of TB2 just for the addition of 1 small note. There is a single pin on the Raspberry Pi header, GPIO [4], which is capable of being […]

Moving wikipython – a secure site is on the way

wikipython as of today is a hobby site that does not require registration, use cookies, display adds, charge fees or accept contributions. But it is not a secure site. Never-the-less, the wikipython toolboxes have been downloaded tens of thousands of times from GitHub (for a secure download) and the articles continue to normally attract between […]

Installing Python3.7.2 on a Pi

I cover the process, motivation etc. in an article in the Raspberry Pi section at the bottom of the sidebar menu.  Let me just repeat that this is just a slightly clarified version of work by a gentleman named Rahul Kumar and you will find a link to his site in the post below.  If […]

Pursuing Raspian for a Peace with the RPi

Almost everything I know I learned from somebody else, and that includes virtually (with maybe three exceptions) anything on this site. OK, once in a while I have an insight that seems kind of original – see tksidekick for example – but years ago I did discover I have a small, very humble talent for […]

For crying out loud

2/13 Hang in there, considerable input from suggestions. Toolbox scope narrowed, article scope(s) potentially expanded. Be advised the current Raspian article and toolbox have been demoted to placeholders. Somebody could not keep their mouth shut and we have gotten enough suggestions/complaints that the final docs and posting on Raspian are being put off till….   Well, […]


1/26/19… if you happen to run across the new Raspbian toolbox please don’t say anything to anybody until it is officially announced on January 29th.


PHOOEY! Sometimes you have to rethink and re-tool.  We were just not happy with the original post of the article about navigating Debian/Linux on the Pi so it is undergoing a MAJOR rewrite and expansion.  Will have it up in a week or so.  We do a lot of research at many sites as well […]