As you probably have read, this is a hobbyist web site with the sole objective of being helpful to folks getting into Python as well as the Raspberry Pi – and now Linux I guess. And while it is true that the toolboxes have been downloaded thousands of times, it is an oddity (to me anyway) that almost 20% of the page hits are one of the pages concerned with tkinter and color. Usually the stats display will show the number of hits and the name of a page.
But something weird happened today. Instead of the name of a page there appeared this phrase: “is there a colour called peach?” I don’t know how it got there and my only clue about the person leaving it is the spelling of the word “colour”. I’m guessing that the person who was responsible for the comment ain’t from around here. More precisely, this individual, with whom I would very much like to communicate, is from one of the outlying areas (like England) that are still catching up on their spelling. Actually, further examples of this anomalous alternate spelling can be found in the color information related to colors in tkinter. For example, tkinter courteously recognizes “grey” (the English spelling) and “gray” (the updated American version) as the same colour. (Damn, I think it may be catching.)
{Before I go further, there is no “peach”, the closest in my opinion is “salmon”.}
I’ve always requested folks (who wanted to communicate) send me an email to: Maybe this was asking too much. So today, for the first time on this site, I added a form at the bottom of the “Comments Please” page. We’ll see if it makes anything more convenient. I would be delighted to hear from any responsible adult, or any kid acting like a responsible adult.
Meanwhile if you tried to leave the “peach” of a message – of if you are a WordPress wizard who know how that message could show up in stats. Please drop me a line. Thank you.