Ex: input(), def, loops, while, try, except, else, continue, return

# Demo for input, float, int, try, except, else, while, function structure
print("EXAMPLE FOR: input(); loops with while, error management with try, except, else, continue, return", end=" ")
print("plus using int and float to convert strings.  The built-in function", end = " ")
print("input always takes in whatever you type as a string, on the surface, it is very easy to use.")
Str_myInput=input("Type anything and hit return: ")
print("Here is your input: " + Str_myInput)
#the problem is, to the input command, 1 is a string and 3.414 is a string and 7/4/1776 is a string.
#It is up to you as a programmer to vet your user's input and decide if its what you want.
#For all practical purposes, this process demands a function tailored to your specific situation.
#Let look at a case or two, begining with a case were you need an integer.
print("Lets test getting an integer")
def get_an_integer(Str_message):  #"def" tells Python you are creating a process called a function
    while True:  # we may have to loop through this process several times, using "while" enables the loop
        try:        #try, except, else, finally and assert are the basic error management tools; try expects an error
            Int_intValue= int(input(Str_message)) #get a user input and convert that string to an integer
        except ValueError:   #ValueError is just one of trillion kinds of errors, see https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html
            print("An integer is a whole number - no decimal part.") #you got an error, cycle thorugh again
            Str_message=("Please pick an integer from 1 to 10.")  #with a slightly more explicit input message
            continue  #go back to the top of the loop
        else:  #if there was no error
            return Int_intValue  #just send back the value you got
Int_GotInt = get_an_integer("Pick a number from 1 to 10: ") #when the function get_an_integer is successful
#since we got back an integer, it is now up to you to do other input vetting, either her or in another function
print("Good, " + str(Int_GotInt)+" is an integer.") #confirm that the input was an integer
print("It's up to you to provide other code to see if the integer is between 1 and 10.")

print("Now lets try vetting a floating point number.")
#your function goes up here
def get_a_float(Str_message):
    while True:
            Flt_gotFloat = float(input(Str_message))
        except ValueError:
            print("You have to pick a floating point number from 1 to 100.")
            inmsg=("Please pick a decimal number from 1 to 100.")
            return Flt_gotFloat
#and your process code goes down here
Flt_decimalNum = get_a_float("Pick a number from 1 to 100. ")
print(str(Flt_decimalNum)+" is a floating point number.") #you have to write the code now to see if it is between 1 and 100