Another Latin Filler Text Option

10/8/18 A suggestion from user Kiara Ferreira: Kiara found the site over saturated with ads and suggests instead:

Kiara’s exact words were: Je me suis donc lancée dans des recherches en ligne, et j’ai pu trouver l’outil ci-dessous. Il est sans pub et va droit au but, et je me suis dit que je devais vous le suggérer en addition à l’autre :

I’m not sure if that is Greek or Latin (wait for it) — its all Greek to me. The interesting thing is, Latin generated on a French site looks exactly like the Latin generated on an English site. Imagine that. Kiara also noted: Cet outil vous permet de créer des faux-textes assez rapidement facilement (qui plus est, gratuitement) 😊 En espérant vous avoir rendu la pareille. Bien cordialement, Kiara Ferreira

Like most semi-literate American’s I only speak English. (Though it is fair to note all 3 of my kids are multi-lingual and we will not discuss the Spanish and French I had in high school and college that failed to “take”.)  Also like most  American’s I firmly hold to the truth that the rest of the world needs to learn English and when we pander to them by learning other languages we just encourage them to hold on.  The real truth is, were it not for their screwed up alphabet, we would all probably need to learn to speak Chinese.  ;>)