“The more I learn about C, the more I understand the fundamental underpinnings of Python”
First, mea culpa. In an earlier post I had decided that in learning C in a Windows 10 environment, Microsoft VS was the way to go. Ultimately, with days of experience, I had to conclude VS does not work – so trash that advice. I guess it could be that the 5 or 6 sets of instructions I went though were all flawed…but lets move on the something that does work and really well:
Code:Blocks – thank you Code:Blocks people.
The reason I gave for learning C in an earlier blog was to ultimately understand better the language used to program Arduino with an ultimate objective of have a new Raspberry Pi 4 take control of 3 (or more) Arduinos and parcel out tasks that would free up its own resources. To be honest, there are “things” that each does better than the other.
I have since realized there is another really good reason. The more I learn about C, the more I understand the fundamental underpinnings of Python. The two are deeply incestuous, though I realize it is a one-way relationship. The deeper I get into the C perspective of things, the more I realize that there IS value in process vs object oriented programming and the more I appreciate the literal genius of Guido van Rossum in creating a language that can accomodate legions of less skilled programmers (like me) with a safer, easier, more flexible alternative. It’s a language for the unwashed masses.
Meanwhile I am learning to swing with anybody in manipulating pointers and a new toolbox is emerging. It is still a work in progress, but another month or two and it should be ready. I could really use some volunteers who actually know C to proof it and make suggestions and if you would like to help, please drop me a message at oakey.john@yahoo.com. Thanks!